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Hypertension Management System

Empowering Patients with Real-Time, Personalized Health Management



Developed a cutting-edge hypertension management system that integrates real-time monitoring and machine learning to provide personalized health recommendations. The goal was to enhance patient engagement and outcomes through adaptive feedback and user-centric design, addressing the complexities of hypertension management.

Project Type

Academic/Student Project - CCA MDES System Class

System Design

Project Date

2 weeks - April 2024

My Role

UX Designer, System Designer


The Challenge:

Hypertension, often dubbed the "silent killer," lacks symptoms until severe complications arise. Traditional management methods are static and infrequent, leading to suboptimal patient outcomes.


Understanding Hypertension:

Hypertension affects over one billion people globally, making it a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

Understanding its systemic nature is key to effective management

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Kenneth Boulding
General Systems Theory

Limitations of Current Management Approaches:

Traditional hypertension management relies on infrequent monitoring and generalized lifestyle advice, often leading to suboptimal patient outcomes.

Only about 24% of patients with hypertension effectively manage their condition under current practices.

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Current feedback loops:

Lacking real-time feedback and personalized adjustments. It’s an open-loop system with minimal control.

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Introducing a Closed-Loop System for Real-Time Management:

Our solution integrates real-time blood pressure monitoring through wearable technology, creating a feedback-rich, responsive health management system.

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Meet Emily:

Hypertension, diagnosed two years ago

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Explore how our flexible health management system empowers you to take control of your hypertension, every day.

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Day 1: Choosing the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet

Optimistic and ambitious, Emily chooses the DASH diet to manage her health, unaware of the challenges ahead.

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Day 3: Adjusting to Realities

Realizing the need for a more manageable approach, Emily adjusts goal, switching to focus solely on reducing sodium intake.

"This is tougher and pricier than I thought..."

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Day 15: Encountering and Overcoming Setbacks

A casual movie night leads to overindulgence in salty snacks, but the app immediately guides Emily to balance her diet.

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Day 30: Reflecting on Progress and Planning Ahead

Stable blood pressure with dietary changes, ready to add exercise next cycle!

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Conclusion and Call to Action

Emily's journey showcases how personalized, adaptive health management can empower us all to take control of our well-being.


Conceptual Model:

Iterative 30-Day Cycles:

Collaborative Goal Setting: Combining Expertise, Data, and Personal Preferences


Feature Analysis:

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User Current Journey Map:

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Lessons Learned:

  • The importance of integrating user feedback continuously to refine and improve the system.

  • Balancing technical innovation with user-friendly design to ensure accessibility for all patients.


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